
Peer-Review Journal Papers

  1. Ipindola, O., Shokouhian, M., (2025), Effect of Dosage and Seawater Mixing on the Hydration and Phase Evolution of OPC-CSA Paste, Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews, Volume 8, Issue 1, Page 135-153, 2025; Article no.JMSRR.130734,

  2. Ahmad, I., Shokouhian, M., Jenkins, M., McLemore, G., (2024), Quantifying the Self-Healing Efficiency of Bioconcrete Using Bacillus subtilis Immobilized in Polymer-Coated Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregates, Buildings 2024, 14(12), 3916,

  3. Ahmad, I., Shokouhian, M., Cheng, H., Radlinska, A., (2024), Enhancement of Mechanical Properties and Freeze–Thaw Durability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete using Aggregate Pretreatment, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering,

  4. Ahmad, I., Shokouhian, M. (2024) Promoting Sustainable Green Infrastructure: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Concrete Reinforced with Recycled Steel Fibers, Archives of Advanced Engineering Science,

  5. Radlinska, A., Cheng, H., Ahmad, I., Shokouhian, M., (2024), Enhancing the durability and flexural fatigue life of recycled aggregate concrete under freeze-thaw damage via modification of aggregate and cement matrix, Cement and Concrete Composites (Under Review)

  6. Asheghi Mehmandari, T., Shokouhian, M., (2024), Zakeri Josheghan, M., Mirjafari, A., Fahimfar, A., Jahed Armaghani, D., Tee, K.F., Flexural properties of fiber-reinforced concrete using hybrid recycled steel fibers and manufactured steel fibers, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 98, 1 December 2024, 111069.

  7. Asheghi Mehmandari, T., Shokouhian, M., Imani, S.M., Fahimfar, A., (2024), Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Primary Support of Tunnel with Recycled, Industrial and Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Shotcrete, Structures, Volume 63, May 2024, 106282,

  8. Ahmad, I., Shokouhian, M., Jenkins, M., McLemore, G., (2024), Factors influencing bacterial-based precipitation, assessment of crack inducing, durability and characterization methods: a comprehensive review, Construction and Building Materials (Under Review).

  9. Asheghi Mehmandari, T., Shokouhian, M., Imani, S.M., Fahimfar, A., (2024), Split Tensile Behavior of Recycled Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, Materials Journal (ACI), DOI: 10.14359/51744375.

  10. Asheghi Mehmandari, T., Shokouhian, M., Imani, S.M., Fahimfar, A., (2024), Experimental and numerical analysis of tunnel primary support using recycled, and hybrid fiber reinforced shotcrete, Structures, Volume 63, May 2024, 106282,

  11. Ipindola, O., Shokouhian, M., Oludare, O., Efe, S., (2024) Hydration Kinetics and Time-Dependent Mechanical Properties of OPC-CSA Mortar at Ultra-Early Age, Materials and Structures (Under Review)

  12. Ipindola, O., Shokouhian, M., (2024), Effect of Seawater Mixing on the Hydration Kinetics and Phase Assemblage of a Binary Portland Cement – Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Paste, Building, Special Issue: The Durability of Innovative Construction Materials and Structures (Under Review)

  13. Bandpey, Z., Amiegbebhor, D., Shokouhian, M., (2023), Investigation of Commute Equity Using Machine Learning Techniques, Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (Under Review)

  14. Bandpey, Z., Amiegbebhor, D., Yang, T., Shokouhian, M., Schonfeld, P., Owolabi, O., (2023), A Comparative Study on Telework for the Washington DC Metropolitan Area Using Machine Learning Algorithms, Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research (Under Review)

  15. Motallebi, M., Ghassemi, H., Shokouhian, M., (2022), DeepCwind semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine platform with a nonlinear multi-segment catenary mooring line and intermediate buoy, Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, 69 (2022)

  16. Shokouhian, M., Owolabi, O., Efe, S., Ikiriko, S., & Tsegaye, T. (2021). Development of a highway geometry based noise abatement model. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 10, 100382.

  17. Motallebi, M., Ghafari, H., Ghassemi, H., Shokouhian, M., (2020), Calculating the second-order hydrodynamic force on fixed and floating tandem cylinders, Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Vol. 134, pp 108-115,

  18. Teshnehdel, S., Soflaei, F., & Shokouhian, M. (2020). Assessment of solar shading performance of courtyard houses in desert climate of Kashan, Iran. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 1–20.

  19. Efe, S., Shokouhian, M., Proposal on Implementing Machine Learning with Highway Datasets, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 5, pp189-194.

  20. Efe, S., Shokouhian, M., 2020, Fundamental of Engineering Examination Computer-Adaptive Version at Morgan State University, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Volume 09, Issue 04. DOI: 10.17577/IJERTV9IS040210

  21. Soflaei, F., Shokouhian, M., Tabadkani, A., Moslehi, H., & Berardi, U. (2020). A simulation-based model for courtyard housing design based on adaptive thermal comfort. Journal of Building Engineering, 31, 101335.

  22. Moolavi Sanzighi, S., Soflaei, F., & Shokouhian, M. (2020). A comparative study of thermal performance in three generations of Iranian residential buildings: Case studies in Csa Gorgan. Journal of Building Physics,

  23. Yahyai, M., Zebarjad, L., Head, M., Shokouhian, M. "Toward Optimizing Dynamic Characteristics of Non-conventional TMDs in Multi-degree-of-Freedom Systems.", Springer, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transactions of Civil Engineering, Jan 2020,

  24. Chinaka, E. Shokouhian, M, Head, M, Efe, S, "An experimental investigation of bond strength of AFRP bars with self‐consolidating concrete", John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Civil Engineering Design, Vol. 1, Issue 5-6, November 2019, p 148-160,

  25. Yuan, H.X. Du, X.X. Shokouhian, M. Ye, J. Schafer, B.W. “Behaviour and design of circular hollow section steel columns strengthened by infilling concrete under preload”, Elsevier, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 159, August 2019, p 415-427,

  26. Yahyai, M. Zebarjad, L. Head, M. Shokouhian, M., "Optimum Parameters for Large Mass Ratio TMDs Using Frequency Response Function", Journal of Earthquake Engineering, June 2019, p1-20.

  27. Seo, J. Schaffer, W, Head, M. Shokouhian, M., “Integrated FEM and CFD Simulation for Offshore Wind Turbine Structural Response”, Springer, International Journal of Steel Structures, January 2019, p1-13,

  28. Shokouhian, M. Head, M. Seo, J. Schaffer, W. Adams, G., “Hydrodynamic response of semi-submersible offshore wind turbine with composite mooring system”, Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology, January 2019, p1-16,

  29. Efe, S. Shokouhian, M. Head, M. and Chinaka, E., 2017, “Numerical study on the cyclic response of AFRP reinforced columns with externally unbonded energy dissipaters”, Taylor & Francis, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, July 2017,

  30. Efe, S. Head, M. and Shokouhian, M, April 2017, “Performance Evaluation in the Computer-Adaptive Version of the Engineer-in-Training (EIT) Examination at Morgan State University”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 4, p398-403, ISSN:2278-0181

  31. Soflaei, F. Shokouhian, M. and Soflaei, A., “Traditional Courtyard Houses as a Model for Sustainable Design: A case study on BWhs mesoclimate of Iran”, Elsevier, Frontiers of Architectural Research, Vol. 6, Issue 3, September 2017, p 329-345.

  32. Soflaei, F. Shokouhian, M. Abravesh, H. and Alipour, A., 2017, “The impact of courtyard design variants on shading performance in hot- arid climates of Iran”, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 143, 15 May 2017, p71-83.

  33. Soflaei, F. Shokouhian, M. and Wenyi, Zh. 2016, September 2015, “Socio-Environmental Sustainability in Traditional Courtyard Houses of Iran and China”, Elsevier, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 69, March 2017, p1147-1169.

  34. Shokouhian, M. Shi, and Y. Head, M. October 2016, “Interactive Buckling Failure Modes of Hybrid Steel Flexural Members”, Elsevier, Engineering Structures, Vol. 125, 15 October 2016, p 153-166.

  35. Soflaei, F. Shokouhian, M. and Mofidi Shemirani, M. 2016, “Traditional Iranian central courtyard as microclimate modifiers by considering orientation, dimensions, and proportions”, Elsevier, Frontiers of Architectural Research, Vol. 5, Issue. 2, pp 225-238.

  36. Soflaei, F. Shokouhian, M. and Mofidi Shemirani, M. 2016. “Investigation of Iranian traditional courtyard as passive cooling strategy (a field study on BS climate)”, Elsevier, International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp 99-113.

  37. Shokouhian, M. and Shi, Y.J. June 2015, “Flexural Strength of Hybrid Steel I-beams Based on Slenderness”, Elsevier, Engineering Structures, Vol. 93, 15 June 2015, p114–128.

  38. Shokouhian, M. and Shi, Y. J. April 2014, "Classification of I-section flexural members based on member ductility", Elsevier, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 95, 2014, p198-210 (ISSN 0143-974X).

  39. Shokouhian, M. and Shi, Y. J. June 2014, “Investigation of Ductility in Hybrid and High Strength Steel Beams”, Springer, International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 14, June 2014, p 265-279.

  40. Shokouhian, M. and Kaveh, A. 2004, "Graph theoretical and algebraic graph theory for optimizing the ordering of finite element meshes", Iran University of Science and Technology, International Journal of Engineering Science, No.4, Vol. 15, 2004, (ISSN 1018-7375)

Conference Papers and Presentations

  1. Ahmad, I., Shokouhian, M., Crack healing performance of microbial self-healing concrete using different carriers, Structures Congress 2025, Phoenix, Arizona, April 9-11 (Accepted)

  2. Ahmad, I., Shokouhian, M., Surface Treatment Methods for Enhanced Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete, the US DOT Future of Transportation Summit, August 13-15, 2024, Washington, DC.

  3. Bandpey, Z., Shokouhian, M., Sabellano, R., Comprehensive Data-Driven Approach to Bridge Health Monitoring: Insights from Maryland's Steel Bridges, the US DOT Future of Transportation Summit, August 13-15, 2024, Washington, DC.

  4. Ipindola, O., Cook, R., Newman, A., Shokouhian, M., Effect of temperature and CSA dosage on the hydration kinetics and phase assemblage of blended OPC – CSA systems, 14th Advances in Cement-based Materials, June 19-21, 2024, Missouri S&T, Rolla, Missouri.

  5. Ipindola, O., Cook, R., Moffitt, S., Martin, C., Shokouhian, M., Hydration and microstructural evolution of seawater-mixed calcium aluminate cement, 14th Advances in Cement-based Materials, June 19-21, 2024, Missouri S&T, Rolla, Missouri.

  6. Bandpey. Z, Shokouhian, M., Investigating Transportation Equity in Maryland: An AI-Based Approach, ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development 2024, Atlanta, Georgia, June 15-18, 2024.

  7. Ahmad, I. Shokouhian, M., Enhancing Concrete Pavement Durability with Recycled Steel Fiber Extracted from Waste Tire, ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development 2024, Atlanta, Georgia, June 15-18, 2024.

  8. Bandpey. Z, Sabellano. R, Shokouhian, M., Predicting Bridge Health: Machine Learning-Based Condition Rating from Element-Level Inspections, The International Bridge Conference, San Antonio, Texas, June 3-5, 2024.

  9. Ipindola, O., Shokouhian, M., 3D Printing of Concrete: Moving from Bench Top Success to the Field, The 24th Annual Maryland Concrete Conference, Hanover, MD, March 11-12th, 2024.

  10. Bandpey. Z, Sabellano. R, Shokouhian, M., Development of Bridge Deterioration Predictive Models Using Machine Learning, Transportation Asset and Infrastructure Management Conference, Lancaster, PA, 2-3 October, 2023.

  11. Ahmad, I. Nwosu, A., Shokouhian, M. Enhancement of mechanical and durability properties of recycled aggregate concrete, Transportation Asset and Infrastructure Management Conference, Lancaster, PA, 2-3 October, 2023, (poster presentation).

  12. Ahmad, I. Shokouhian, M. Sustainable Concrete Development Using Recycled Steel Fibers from Waste Tires, Transportation Asset and Infrastructure Management Conference, Lancaster, PA, 2-3 October, 2023, (poster presentation).

  13. Ntonifor, C., Shokouhian, M., A Novel Approach for Designing Hybrid High-Strength Steel Beam-Columns with Tapered Sections, Transportation Asset and Infrastructure Management Conference, Lancaster, PA, 2-3 October, 2023, (poster presentation)

  14. Sabellano, R., Bandpey, Z., Shokouhian, M., Evaluating and Predicting Deterioration of Bridges Using Machine Learning Applications, Structures Congress 2023, May 3-6, New Orleans, Louisiana.

  15. Owolabi, O., Abiodun, P., Asahiah, A., Abedoh, H., Shokouhian, M., Bazyar Shourabi, N., Bista, K., Gaulee, U., Rahman, M., Ladeji-Osias, J., Owolabi, O. V., Utilization of Social Management Theoretical Framework and Program Management Tool to Successfully Manage Large Multi-Department STEM Projects, 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 25-28 June, 2023, Baltimore, Maryland.

  16. Abiodun, P., Owolabi, O., Efe, S., Shokouhian, M.,  Aladeokin, O, Olude, A., Bazyar Shourabi, N., Ikiriko, S., Bista, K., Gaulee, U., Efe, F., Rahman, M., Abedoh, H., Ladeji-Osias, J., Evaluating the Impact of Experiment-Centric Pedagogy on Civil Engineering Undergraduates’ Motivation, 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 25-28 June, 2023, Baltimore, Maryland.

  17. Dada, V., Shokouhian, M., “Solutions to Deteriorating Infrastructure using the Biomineralization of Encapsulated Bacteria: Quantifying Bacterial Concentration”, Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists, November 9-12, 2022, Anaheim, California.

  18. Shokouhian, M., and Tsegaye, T., “A Parametric Study on Recycled Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete”, 11th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, July 19-22, 2022, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

  19. Sabellano, R., and Shokouhian, M., “Development of a Decision-Making Tool for Bridge Preservation and Maintenance”, 11th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, July 19-22, 2022, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

  20. Adegoke, M., Shokouhian, M., Ntonifor, C., “AFRP Reinforced Concrete Column with Controlled Rocking Connection”, Structures Congress 2022, April 20-23, Atlanta, Georgia.

  21. Ntonifor, C., Shokouhian, M., Adegoke, M., “Investigation of the Rotation Capacity and Flexural Strength of Web Tapered Hybrid High Strength Steel Simple Supported I-Section”, Structures Congress 2022, April 20-23, Atlanta, Georgia.

  22. Owolabi, O., Wilson, F., Willoughby, A., Shokouhian, M., A Novel Spectroradiometeric Methodology for the Validation of Source Approval of Hot Mix Asphalt Surface Mix Aggregate, Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, January 9-13, 2022, Washington DC, USA.

  23. Owolabi, O.; Chavis, C.; Nwachukwu, N.; James-Okeke, P.; Ahangari, S.; Shourabi, N.; Freeman, M.; Bello, M.; Bista, K.; Gaulee, U.; Dugda, M.; Bhandari, A.; Ladeji-Osias., J.; Ntonifor, I; and Shokouhian, M., Development and Implementation of Experiment Centric Active Learning Experiments/Activities in Transportation During the Pandemic and Beyond, Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, January 9-13, 2022, Washington DC, USA.

  24. Adegoke, M., Shokouhian, M., Head, M., Efe, S., “Rocking Response of AFRP Reinforced Concrete Columns with Unbonded Energy Dissipaters”, 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 18-20 August 2020,

  25. Ntonifor, C., Shokouhian, M., Efe, S., Chavis, C., “Investigation of the Ductility of Web Tapered Hybrid High Strength Steel Members Subjected to Flexrual Loading”, 6th ICTA2021 USA Virtual Conference, July 28-30, 2021.

  26. Ikiriko, S., Wemida, A., Efe, S., Shokouhian, M., Owolabi, Ladeji-Osias, J., “Home-based Cantilever Beam Experiment for Civil Engineering Undergraduate Students”. 2021 ASEE Annual Conference, July 26-29, 2021.

  27. Owolabi, O., Ladeji-Osias, J., Shokouhian, M., Alamu, O.S., Lee, S,. Oguntimein, G., Ariyibi, A., Lee, H., Bista, K., Dugda, M., Ikiriko, S., Chavis, C., “Best Practices for the Implementation of Home-based, Hands-on Lab Activities to Effectively Engage STEM Students During a Pandemic”. 2021 ASEE Annual Conference, July 26-29, 2021.

  28. Owolabi, O., Alamu, O.S., Ladeji-Osias, J., Partlow, L., Shokouhian, M., Gullie, K.A., Bista, K., Spaulding, D., Ikiriko, S., Dugda, M., “Virtual Intensive Training for Experimental Centric Pedagogy Team Members: Effectiveness During COVID-19 Pandemic”. 2021 ASEE Annual Conference, July 26-29, 2021.

  29. Ladeji-Osias, J. “Kemi,” Owolabi, O., Bista, K., Gaulee, U., Wemida, A., Efe, S., Oni, A., Ariyibi, A., Ndirangu, C., Olanrewaju, E., Lee, S., Alamu, O., Shokouhian, M., Ikiriko, S., & Kinyua, A. (n.d.). “Initial Impact of an Experiment-centric Teaching Approach in Several STEM Disciplines”. 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access Proceedings. 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference.

  30. Alenzi, A. Upton, G. Adegoke. M, Shokouhian. M, Head, M., “Experimental investigation of residual compressive strength of partially confined column retrofitted using CFRP wrap”, Structures Congress 2019, 24-27 April, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  31. Adegoke. M, Shokouhian. M, Full-Scale Testing and New Design of Concrete Bus Pads Based on AASHTO Loading, 26th Annual Undergraduate and Graduate Symposium, April 11, 2019, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD.

  32. Adegoke. M, Shokouhian. M, Toward a Sustainable Design: Performance Evaluation of AFRP RC Column With Energy Dissipaters, Engineering Sustainability 2019, 7-9 April, Pittsburgh, PA.

  33. Shokouhian. M, Head. M, Shi. Y., A direct design method for hybrid high strength steel beams based on slenderness, 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 25-29 June, 2018, Los Angeles, CA.

  34. Grose. S, Shokouhian. M, Head. M, Nonlinear Analysis of AFRP Connections of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks, Structures Congress 2018, 18-21 April, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.

  35. Efe. S, Shokouhian. M, Head. M, Numerical Analysis of AFRP Reinforced Concrete Columns with Replaceable Structural Fuses as Energy Dissipaters under Cyclic Loading, Structures Congress 2018, 18-21 April, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.

  36. Seo. J, Schaffer. W, Head. M, Shokouhian. M, Retrofitting of Monopile Transition Piece for Offshore Wind Turbines, The 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-17-586, 25-30 June, San Francisco, California, USA. ISBN: 978-1-880653-97-5

  37. Chinaka. E, Shokouhian. M, Efe. S, and Head. M, “Evaluation of bond strength for AFRP reinforcing bars in columns with self-consolidating concrete” in Structures Congress 2017, Denver, April 6-8.

  38. Shokouhian. M, Head. M, "Experiential Learning for Teaching Structural Analysis to Non-Engineering Students" in ASEE Middle Atlantic Conference, Spring 2017, Baltimore, April 7-8.

  39. Chinaka, E., Head, M., and Shokouhian, M, 2016, An Experimental Investigation of Bond Strength of AFRP bars with Self-Consolidating Concrete, poster presentation, Alliances for Minority Participation Research Symposium, February 22-24, 2016, National Harbor, Maryland

  40. McLennan, W., Head, M., and Shokouhian, M. 2015, A Focus on GFRP Bonding Strength in Designed Concrete using Standard Pullout Test, talk, SOE Summer Research Symposium, July 30, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland

  41. Shokouhian, M. and Shi, Y. J., 2014. Talk., "New Proposal for Classification of Steel Flexural Members Based on Member Ductility", paper and talk, Annual Stability Conference (SSRC 2014) 26-28 March 2014, Toronto, Canada.

  42. Shokouhian, M. Sadeghi, R. and Shi, Y. J. 2014, "Influence of moment gradient on rotation capacity of steel flexural members", paper and talk, The second Australasia and South-East Asia structural engineering and construction conference (ASEA-SEC-2). Sustainable Solutions in Structural Engineering and Construction 3-7 Nov 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.

  43. Shokouhian, M. and Sadeghi, R., 2012, "Design Optimization of industrial portal frame with overhead cranes", paper and talk, The First Australasia and South-East Asia Structural Engineering and Construction Conference 28Nov 2012, Perth, Australia (ASEC-SEC-1).

  44. Shokouhian, M. Sadeghi, R. and Ozbakkaloglu, T., 2012, "The Buckling Behavior of Knee Braced Frames (KBF)". paper and talk, Australasian Structural Engineering Conference 11-13 July 2012, Perth, Australia (ASEC2012).

  45. Soflaei, F. and Shokouhian, M. 2007, “Environmental Effect of Courtyard in Sustainable Architecture of Iran (Hot-arid Regions, meso-climate BWks), (Case Study: Courtyard houses in Isfahan & Kerman)”, paper and talk, In Proceeding of The International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Cooling for The Built Environment (PALENC 2007), 27-29 September 2007, Crete Island, Greece

  46. Shokouhian, M. Soflaee, F. and Nikkhah, F. 2007, “Environmental Effect of Courtyard in Sustainable Architecture of Iran (Cold Regions), Case Study: Courtyard houses in Tabriz)”, paper and talk, In Proceeding of The International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Cooling for The Built Environment (PALENC 2007), 27-29 September 2007, Crete Island, Greece.

  47. Soflaei, F. and Shokouhian, M. 2007, “The Role of Environmental Pollution on Forming Heat Islands and Unsustainability of Modern Cities Case Study (Tehran)”, Talk, In Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Urban Planning and Environment (UPE 7) 3-5 January 2007, Bangkok, Thailand.

  48. Shokouhian, M. and Soflaei, F. 2005, “Environmental Sustainable Iranian Traditional Architecture in Hot-Humid Regions”, paper and talk, In The Proceeding of the International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Cooling For The Built Environment (PALENC 2005), 19-21 May 2005, Santorini, Greece.

  49. Soflaei, F., and Shokouhian, M., 2005, “Natural Cooling Systems in Sustainable Traditional Architecture of Iran”, paper and talk, In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Cooling for the Built Environment (PALENC 2005), 19-21 May 2005, Santorini, Greece.

  50. Soflaei, F. and Shokouhian, M. 2005, “Environmental Analyzes of Courtyard in the Sustainability of Iranian Traditional Architecture of Hot-Arid Regions”, paper and talk, In Proceedings of the International Conference of Living in Earthen Cities-Kerpic’o5, pp 35-39, 6-7 July 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.

Abstract Presentation

  1. Piri, S., Bandpey, Z., Shokouhian, M., Integrating Machine Learning and NLP Techniques for Enhanced Crime and Safety Analysis in Maryland, 2024 SOE Summer Research Symposium, Morgan State University, July 29, 2024.

  2. Ipindola, O., Shokouhian, M., Hydration Kinetics, Setting and Mechanical Properties of Blended OPC-CSA Based 3D Printing Concrete at Ultra-Early Age, 2024 SOE Summer Research Symposium, Morgan State University, July 29, 2024.

  3. Ahmad, I., Shokouhian, M., Investigation Of Self-Healing Characteristics Of Bioengineered Concrete Using Bacillus Subtillis, 2024 SOE Summer Research Symposium, Morgan State University, July 29, 2024.

  4. Ahmad, I., Shokouhian, M.Surface Modification Strategies for Improved Performance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete, 2024 SOE Summer Research Symposium, Morgan State University, July 29, 2024.

  5. Mansouri, R., Shokouhian, M., Ahmad, I., Akinkugbe, I., Improving freeze-thaw resistance and fatigue resistance of recycled aggregate concrete. 28th Annual Undergraduate and Graduate Research Symposium, Morgan State University, April 17-21, 2023.

  6. Ahmad, I. Shokouhian, M., Improving freeze-thaw resistance and fatigue resistance of recycled aggregate concrete. 2023 SOE Summer Research Symposium, Morgan State University, August 4, 2023.

  7. Ahmad, I. Shokouhian, M. Mansouri, R. Akinkugbe, I. Recycled fiber reinforced concrete for green transportation infrastructure. 28th Annual Undergraduate and Graduate Research Symposium, Morgan State University, April 17-21, 2023.

  8. Ahmad, I. Shokouhian, M., Investigation of Self-Healing Characteristics of Bacteria-based Concrete. 2023 SOE Summer Research Symposium, Morgan State University, August 4, 2023.

  9. Dada, V. Shokouhian, M., Solutions to Deteriorating Infrastructure using the Biomineralization of Encapsulated Bacteria: Quantifying Bacterial Concentration, Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists, Anaheim, California, November 9-12, 2022.

Media Spotlights

  1. WYPR and Midday, "What we know about the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge", By Tom Hall, Teria Rogers, Sam Bermas-Dawes, March 26, 2024, Link

  2. Route Fifty, "Rebuilding the collapsed Baltimore bridge will be a ‘FAR bigger challenge’", By Daniel C. Vock, March 26, 2024, Link

  3. Baltimore Banner, "How long will it take to replace the Key Bridge? Engineers stress need to do it ‘right'", by Daniel Zawodny and Hallie Miller, March 27, 2024, Link

  4. Baltimore Banner, "2 people have fallen from I-395 into the water below. Should the road barriers be taller?", by Daniel Zawodny, May 5, 2024, Link

  5. Baltimore Sun and Capital Gazette, "America has a bridge problem. It doesn’t yet have a national bridge solution", by Hayes Gardner, May 23, 2024, Link

  6. Baltimore Sun and The Baltimore Post, "Maryland to bolster protection at Bay Bridge following Baltimore bridge disaster", by Hayes Gardner, June 7, 2024, Link

Technical Reports

  1. Shokouhian, M., Ntonifor, C., 2024, A Direct Design Method of Hybrid High Strength Steel Web Tapered Members, Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS).

  2. Shokouhian, M., Ahmad, I., Tsegaye, T., 2024, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Recycled Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Green Bus Pads, Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS).

  3. Shokouhian, M., Efe, S., Akinkugbe, I., 2024, Professional Engineer Licensure Preparatory Course: An Evaluation and Analysis of CIAMTIS MSU Outreach, Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS).

  4. Shokouhian, M., Bandpey, Z., Amiegbebhor, D., Investigation of Commute Equity Using Machine Learning Techniques, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), June 5, 2023. 

  5. Shokouhian, M., Schonfeld, P., Owolabi, O., Amiegbebhor, D., Bandpey, Z., Yang, T., Wu, F., Parametric Analysis of Telecommuting Effects on Transportation Tax Revenues, District of Columbia. Dept. of Transportation,

  6. Shokouhian, M., Adegoke, M., Upton, G., Aslan, K., 2020, Experimental Investigation of Residual Compressive Strength of Partially Confined Concrete Column Retrofitted Using CFRP Wrap, Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS),

  7. Owolabi, O., Shokouhian, M., Efe, S., Ikiriko, S, December 2019, “Highway Geometrics and Noise Abatement Decision”, Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration, MD-2019-SHA/MSU/5-01

  8. Shokouhian, M., Aslan, K., March 2019, “Sustainable Design of Concrete Bus Pads to Improve Mobility in Baltimore City”, Urban Mobility $ Equity Center, UMEC-015.

  9. Head, M., Seo, J., Shokouhian, M., Schaffer, W. 2016, “Foundation Anchorages for Offshore Wind Turbines in Deep Water Using Composite Materials”, MOWER 14-01.